I`M TRADING MY SORROWS~~~快樂星期天到了!把你的憂愁交託給祂吧!
I’m trading my sorrows, 我交託我的憂愁 I’m trading my shame, 我交託我羞辱 I’m laying them down, 完全交託 For the joy of the lord,你喜樂充滿我 I’m trading my sickness, 我交託我的疾病 I’m trading my pain,我交託我痛苦 I’m laying them down,完全交託 For the joy of the lord,你喜樂充滿我
Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord Yes Lord, Yes Lord, Yes Yes Lord, Amen
I am pressed but not crushed, 雖受敵 不被困住 Persecuted not abandoned, 遭逼迫 卻不被丟棄 Struck down but now destroyed, 打倒 不至死亡 I am blessed beyond the curse, 在咒詛的背後 For his promise will endure, 有祂應許的祝福That his joy’s gonna be my strength, 祂喜樂是我力量
Though the sorrow, 雖然一宿 may last for the night, 有痛苦哭泣 His joy comes in the morning,早晨必歡呼喜樂



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